Thursday, September 6, 2007

Let not your worship be silenced

January 7, 2007 - Sunday
Let not your worship be silenced..
So three things motivated me to write this blog. David's dream blog, James Goll, and my prayer/quiet time before the Lord. If you haven't read David's dream blog I suggest you do. But I have included this snippet for it goes hand in hand with where my blog is headed. Do enjoy.
The enemy rt now is still attacking and just waiting rt now for us to be off guard and destroy us. Especially in our Worship to God. Remember, the devil wants to silence ur voice more than anything. That's what you worship and what you share the gospel, prophecy with. SO GET LOUD!! SEEK GOD!!! BEGIN TO CRY OUT TO GOD RT NOW LIKE NEVER BEFORE!! LOVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE, EVEN IF WE DON'T WANT TO!!WE TRULY WANT TO SEE GOD MOVE IN POWERFUL WAYS AND GREATER THAN THOSE IN THE BIBLE LIKE HE SAID, OR WE JUST WANT ANOTHER "NICE" CHURCH SERVICE!! IT'S TIME TO GET OVER OURSELVES AND THE LITTLE BOX THAT WE PUT GOD IN AND LET HIM TRULY DO WHATEVER HE WANTS!
I'm reading God Encounters by James Goll and his wife Michal and James was talking about visitations from angels and how lucifer was the fallen archangel. In his book he wrote : "Satan was an anointed and beautiful covering cherub with a professional understanding of music and worship."
I couldn't move away from this. Duh Jennie. It made sense what David was talking about how the devil is trying to attack our worship and I was like well I can certainly see why. The enemy knows the tremendous power of worship. How convient for him to attack our worship, the way we worship, the freedom of our worship. He is trying to literally silence our worship.
The Lord says, "take back your worship"!!!!!!! The enemy...the adversary is attacking our worship. All one needs to do is take a look around. The devil is putting on a puppet show in churches worldwide. He pulls the strings of religion so that the choir or worship team sings the songs they are comfortable singing, or the ones they know the congregation likes best. Or maybe the worship team is on point but the enemy has the church bound up by chains of insecurity and slavery so that they cannot even lift their voices nor raise their arms in extension towards the lover of their souls.
It's time to rumble and go to war. It's time to take back our worship individually as well as cooperately. So that in union we can release the things which need to be released. God is moving us into a new dimension and depth of worship. But He's not going to linger and wait for those who won't fight, who don't want to go to extreme measures to press into His soul.
We already have the upper hand because we have the freedom to worship our God. I'm not just talking about lip service here...I'm talking about crying out, groaning and trevailing, jumping, flipping, twirling, dancing, shouting...The kind of worship that is so free and unrestrained that lives are changed, healing flows like a gushing river, and breakthroughs are made in the spiritual as well as the natural. The kind of worship that is SOOOOOo God that it's contagious. We are already free to partake in the beauty of worshipping in Spirit AND in truth. Through Christ Jesus we are free, His blood makes us free, His Spirit makes us free. It's our for the taking. You are free to worship your God. (I cannot stress that enough). It doesn't matter what the devil may try to tell you or put into your mind..if you confess and repent you ARE SET FREE. The devil is a liar and it's time to stomp on his face and show him what's up.
It's time to go deeper and walk into the things we've never seen nor experienced before. Cling to your worship and let nothing take that away from you. God is saying "don't adjust your worship to look like what is around you" Worship the way YOU worship. If you sing, sing LOUD (even if it's off key be silenced not), if you twirl..twirl on sister, if you harder than you ever have before, if you play an instrument prepare to be blown away with the sounds God will release through you, and if you like to jump, flip, whatever do what you do all in the name of the Lord. You were handcrafted to worship in your way. And don't let anyone tell you that you can't worship your God.
Who cares if you look like a fool. I know I'll be a fool for God.

Will you?????

Jennie Ingram .........January 7th 2007

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